We celebrated the final week of Ramadan with a special gourmet Iftar gathering for all our AMIT International Group staff and families, along with our annual Reward & Recognition ceremony ‘AMIT Shining Star’ at Le Meridien, Dubai.

The evening was full of happy faces, laughter, cheering and aroma of scrumptious meal .The gathering reflected the spirit of unity and compassion aiming to forge stronger team & collaborative spirit.

Like every great organization, AIG recognizes and rewards it’s champions. AMIT Shining Star is one such initiative to not only praise, but also motivate the team to make a difference for the better. Our rewards were divided into our 5 corporate values – Agility, Innovation, Excellence, Integrity & Diversity, which are the 5 sacrosanct pillars of our organization.

Our “Shining Stars” have illuminated the path to success for our company, and their dedication is appreciated and celebrated amongst their loved ones.

Congratulations to all the AMIT Shining Star award winners!  Your tireless efforts and dedication are instrumental to the company’s continued success. We shall see everyone at next year’s gala!

We would like to thank you and your families for joining us and making this occasion a special one!

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